Yoni eggs, how to start using them?

We can find different types of yoni according to colors such as the obsidian egg, the rose quartz egg, and the jade, which are the best known.

Many women who have had experiences using this egg indicate that first we should use the jade, then the obsidian egg and finally the rose quartz to finish this healing with a lot of love.

I have started this experience using the obsidian egg, many claim that this process could be very strong to begin with, but it depends on your awareness, tranquility and the intention you use.

I recommend using it on days when you fast at night, you can drink green tea or any infusion, to be more relaxed and really have a healing experience. Yoni eggs have a healing effect when we are relaxed and preferably do it at night .

Both, our body, soul and mind must be aligned to our purpose.

Getting started is difficult because of the doubts we may have.

The yoni eggs are used and held with a piece of dental floss so that it can come out.

For cleaning before using it, it is recommended to use sea salt, healing salt, incense, palo santo or even bury it in the ground and then clean it. It is not strict, you can do it with what you connect with the most such as flower petals, oils essentials, incenses, everything that comes to you from love and your feminine intuition.

With these yoni eggs we seek healing from possible illnesses, relationship traumas and among other problems, their benefits are on a physical and spiritual level.💖I wish that more women dare to experience this healing process.💫💚💚


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